Migrating Distribution Lists into Google Contracts
Save Each Distribution List
In Outlook, open the distribution list by double clicking on the name in the Contacts section
On the Distribution List tab, click the arrow next to the Send button in the Actions setting
Select In Internet Format (vCard)
An email will open with an attachment in it, right click on the attachment name and select Open
Remove all information except the contact information
Separate each piece of information with a comma
Save the file
Modify the Distribution List File Type
Open Excel
Click on the Microsoft Office button and choose Open
In the Files of Type drop down menu choose All Files
Locate the file that was saved above, it will be a txt file
When the Text Import Wizard opens, press Next
On the second step of the wizard uncheck Tab and check Comma in the Delimiters section
Press Finish
Insert a row above all of the contacts and add titles for First Name, Last Name, Email Address, etc.
To see more detailed information about adding titles go to Add, Move, or Import Contacts.
Click on the Microsoft Office button and choose Save As
In the Save as Type drop down menu choose CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)
Save the file
Excel will say that this format does not keep some formatting and do you want to continue. Say Yes
Import the Distribution List into FREDmail
Go to your FREDmail contacts
Select the Import link in the right hand corner
Press the Browse button and locate the saved .csv file
Checkmark the Also add these imported contacts to: box
In the drop down menu choose a group or choose to add a new group
Press Import
Merging Double Contacts
If someone in your distribution list already existed in your Contacts, they may have two listings. You can merge these double contacts using the Find Duplicates settings.
Open the Contacts folder
Press the Find duplicates button
Use the details link next to each contact to check whether these are duplicate contacts
Uncheck any contacts you do not want merged
Click Merge to complete the process. Add, Move, or Import Contacts guide