Academic Standing (Graduate)

Academic Standing (Graduate)


Document TitleAcademic Standing (Graduate)
Document Type
  • Bylaws
  • Policy Document
  • Procedures
  • Guidelines
  • Form
Document Owner
Contact Information
Office Name Phone Email

Approval Date

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Effective Date

Review Date/Schedule
Revision History


The purpose of the Graduate Academic Standing policy is to address both academic and non-academic graduate student deficiencies in a consistent, fair, and timely manner. Academic deficiencies comprise poor course performance, a course grade below 3.0 GPA, a cumulative GPA below 3.0, or other academic deficiencies as identified by the student's department and program. Non-academic deficiencies comprise poor professional disposition, ethical violations, or other personal issues that interfere with program performance.

Departments are charged with identifying students with deficiencies by midterm of each semester and at the conclusion of each semester. As well, program coordinators should ensure that remediation plans for each probationary student are in place and submitted in accordance with department, college and university policy.

Graduate students pursuing a degree are required to maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0. At the end of each semester as part of a graduate Academic Standings process, the records of all degree students are reviewed. Each student with a cumulative average below 3.0 will be placed on academic probation for one semester. The purpose of the probationary semester is to give the student sufficient warning of academic danger. A student is considered to be in good academic standing even while on probation. If, at the end of their next semester, students have not re-established the required average, they may be required to withdraw from the university.

There may be exceptional circumstances that would affect a student's ability to regain the required academic average at the end of one semester. Students under such circumstances may seek the support of his/her advisor and the chairperson of the major department in appealing the required withdrawal.

Graduate Assistants will maintain an overall minimum 3.0 GPA per semester of funding. Students whose semester GPA falls below that or who carry grades of Incomplete beyond the mid-point of the following semester will potentially incur tuition repayment charges. GAs may not use a tuition waiver to repeat courses for which they did not earn a passing grade.

Students who fail to establish minimum expectations for good standing within 5 years, including reinstatement, may be subject to academic dismissal. Exceptional circumstances will be reviewed by the program coordinator, chair, dean and the Associate Provost for Graduate Studies.


  • Academic Affairs
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  • Governance
  • ITS
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