Rockefeller Arts Center User Services Policies
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Document Title | Rockefeller Arts Center User Services Policies | ||||||||||||
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Effective Date | Revised October 1, 2011 | ||||||||||||
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1.0 Purpose of CenterAs a facility, the Rockefeller Arts Center is an educational and cultural resource for the State University College at Fredonia and the regional community. The Center comprises performing and exhibit spaces and their support spaces (dressing rooms, shops, Green Room, etc.); art studios; classrooms; offices; and common areas, such as hallways, the outdoor plaza and the student commons. 2.0 Responsibility of Center DirectorThe responsibility for the management of the Michael C. Rockefeller Arts Center rests with the Center Director. These policies, approved by the College President and the Center Director, set the framework within which the Center Director will exercise his independent discretion and judgment. The Center Director's management responsibilities carry with them a parallel authority to carry out planning, directing and controlling functions as required to maintain the facility and determine its proper use. 2.1 Users' Council The Rockefeller Arts Center Users' Council shall consist of the heads of the academic programs in music, theatre, art, and dance plus representatives of other users as appointed from time to time by the Center Director. The Users’ Council shall serve in an advisory capacity to and be chaired by the Center Director. The council shall meet at least once each semester to address topics of mutual concern. The council shall review any proposed changes to the Center's operational policies and shall also serve as a mechanism to coordinate concerns and activities relating to the Arts Center's physical plant, equipment, and staffing. The Users' Council may also serve as a forum for discussion and advocacy for funding for arts programs on campus. 3.0 Purpose of PoliciesThis policy manual is an elaboration of the User Service Mission found in the Center's Mission Statement and Statement of Operating Philosophy. The purpose of this manual is to set forth the rules, regulations and procedures by which the Rockefeller Arts Center, as a facility, runs. This manual describes in detail the expectations that the Arts Center has of users of the building and also the expectations that users should have of the Arts Center. 4.0 Method of Adopting and Changing PoliciesThe Center Director, his supervisor(s) and the College President have approved these policies. Minor or procedural changes may be made by the Center Director in consultation with, his supervisor and appropriate Vice President. The President and RAC users will be notified of such changes. Major or substantive changes require the approval of the RAC Users' Council and the College President. Requests for changes to these policies should be directed to the Center Director. 5.0 SchedulingScheduling for the Arts Center begins in November for the following academic year and is accomplished in several phases. Priority Group I users of Marvel Theatre and Bartlett Theatre will meet each year by November 15 to set their usage of these spaces for the following academic year. Production time in the hall from load-in through performance and strike should be scheduled at this time. First Priority Users are expected to leave a reasonable number of usable days free in Marvel Theatre for use by professional touring groups. A meeting of First Priority King Concert Hall users will occur by November 20. 5.1 Spaces Scheduled Spaces scheduled and controlled by the Center Director include: King Concert Hall, Marvel Theatre, Bartlett Theatre (and the adjacent lobbies and support spaces), the Green Room, the Arts Center Conference Room, the Gallery, the Gallery Lobby, the exterior Arcade and Plaza areas. The College Registrar schedules and controls the use of all regular classrooms (rooms 235 and 236). The departments of Visual Arts and New Media and Theatre and Dance schedule activities in their offices and dedicated spaces. (Art studios and the Emmitt Christian Gallery for VANM and the Scene Shop, Costume Shop, and Acting Studios A and B for the DTAD.) For special events and receptions, the student commons, courtyards, and other common areas may also be scheduled through the Center Director. 5.1.1 Annual Usage Caps Because the usage of spaces scheduled by the Center Director has a direct impact on the workload of the Arts Center staff and its ability to provide support services to facility users, a cap on the total number of public events will be set each year. This annual cap may vary from year to year depending on the size of the RAC staff and the complexity of events scheduled. The cap for a coming season will be set by the Center Director after consultation with the Users' Council and should be announced before the fall scheduling meeting of First Priority Users. In order to maintain opportunities for users in all priority groups to have access to dates the annual cap will include sub-allocations for the following groups: School of Music, Department of Theatre and Dance, Department of Visual Arts and New Media, gallery exhibitions, administration (“General College”), student groups, RAC-sponsored events, rentals, and ancillary activities (receptions, pre-concert talks, previews, etc.). 5.2 Scheduling Request Forms The Center Director will supply Scheduling Request Forms to be used when making all scheduling requests. These forms must include exact dates and times of all performances, load-in and strike, ticket prices, support space needs, and information on the production or attraction. If approved, a copy of this form will be sent to the Ticket Office (for ticketing needs, if tickets are required), RAC staff, and the user for official verification that the event has been booked. Users may submit written requests before the scheduling meeting of First Priority Users. The Center Director will bring these requests to the attention of First Priority Users, who will he asked to take these requests into consideration. No general meeting will normally be held for other than Priority Group I users. However, user representatives will occasionally be asked to meet with the Center Director to discuss their specific needs. 5.3 Priority Groups and Deadlines The following priority group listing will be used as a guideline for scheduling space allocation. Subdivisions within a numbered group do not affect the sponsor's scheduling priority, but are distinctions used for other purposes, such as determining which sponsors must pay certain fees. Deadlines have been established to protect priority group’s standings. Scheduling request forms received after the published deadlines will be served on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority Group I Request Deadline: Dec. 1 Groups in which participation is part of an academic requirement including rehearsals, performances, juries, hearings, exhibits or examinations for Department of Theatre and Dance, Department of Visual Arts and New Media, and School of Music such as Mainstage productions, major School of Music ensembles, etc. Priority Group II Request Deadline: Feb. 1 Events scheduled by the Office of the President, Vice President for Academic Affairs (Convocation, The Kasling Award,) or Rockefeller Arts Center. Priority Group III Request Deadline: Mar. 1 Events scheduled by student groups whose primary participants are students or faculty (recitals, student ensembles, PAC, Orchesis, etc.). Priority Group IV Request Deadline: April 1 Events scheduled by college organizations that are presenting events featuring non-college participants, such as Spectrum. Priority Group V may request after April 1 Non-college affiliated groups (rentals). 5.4 Publication of Calendars The Center Director will publish the following calendars: Priority Group I User Calendar (Dec. l) The purpose of this calendar is to confirm the scheduled rehearsals and performances established in the November meetings. The Priority I User Calendar will be sent to Priority I users electronically as a .pdf. Priority Group I & II User Calendar (Feb.15) This calendar is distributed electronically as a .pdf to all traditional Arts Center users including administrative offices, and Student Association groups for the purpose of identifying available dates for booking. RAC Advance Calendar (May 1) This calendar will provide a listing of all events booked in the Arts Center to date and will be distributed electronically as a .pdf to all current and traditional users of the Arts Center. 5.5 Scheduling of Bartlett Theatre. Scheduling Bartlett Theatre by all priority groups takes place during the assigned scheduling time. Major productions by PAC or Orchesis are scheduled through the Arts Center office beginning February 1 (Priority Group III). Usage of Bartlett Theatre during the year by groups other than the Department of Theatre and Dance itself, particularly those involving any public event, must also be scheduled through the Arts Center offices. This applies to SA groups as well as other campus organizations and potential off-campus users of the facility. 5.6 Late Requests Facility requests submitted after the deadlines above will be accommodated to the fullest extent possible. In general, such requests will be honored on a first-come first-served basis. 5.7 Cancellations and Postponements Public events scheduled through the Rockefeller Arts Center are soon widely publicized throughout the region. Cancellations and postponements after public announcements have been made are an embarrassment to the performer, sponsor, the Rockefeller Arts Center, and the College. Cancellations should be avoided except as a last resort. If an event must be cancelled, the sponsor is responsible for publicizing the cancellation through the sponsor's normal publicity channels. In addition, the sponsor is required to: 1. Notify in writing the Center Director and the Office of Communications and Development. 2. Post appropriate notices. 3. Pay for a RAC house manager to be at the place and time of the originally scheduled event to inform those who may not have otherwise been advised. Clarification: If an event is cancelled before the Entertainment Guide copy submission deadline for the semester in which the event was to occur, the user group will have the quota date added into its pool of available dates for that year. If, on the other hand, the event is cancelled after the Entertainment Guide deadline, the date is still considered to have been “used” and no additional quota dates will be made available to the user group to replace the cancelled event. Sponsors who cancel events and/or fail to follow the procedures above will adversely affect their scheduling priority in the future. 5.8 Non-Transferability Space assignments made to particular groups are for that group's exclusive use only. Space assignments may not be given, traded, sold or otherwise assigned from one group to another. If a sponsor relinquishes a date, the date reverts to the Center and becomes subject to general availability according to the priority schedule. 5.8.1 Changes in Nature of Event The nature of the event (rehearsal, performance, preview, open rehearsal, master class, etc.) should be indicated at the time of the original booking. Sponsors are not allowed to change the nature of a scheduled event without advance approval of the Center Director; this is especially true of rehearsals that are considered to be closed events for participants in the concert or production only. Inviting the public, school groups or other outside parties to view a rehearsal is an example that requires advance approval. This example would require that front-of-house staff be assigned and that the event count toward the quota dates available to the user. 5.9 Early Bookings Occasionally sponsors contracting with outside artists will find that they need to make commitments to the artists farther in advance than provided for by the Center's normal scheduling timetable. In such cases, the Center Director may, at his discretion and after checking with the appropriate department chairpersons, assign dates in advance of the November meetings of First Priority Users. Such early bookings will normally be reserved for King Concert Hall rather than Marvel Theatre. 5.10 Contract Review Sponsors must submit any artist's contracts, riders, and/or letters of agreement to the Center Director for review and approval before the sponsor signs the contract. The Center Director reserves the right to require changes to these documents in order to ensure compliance with Center policies. 5.11 Backstage Support Spaces The Green Room, dressing rooms, and quick change rooms will be reserved by the user at the beginning of each semester when Technical Questionnaires are issued for booked events. In the event both halls are in use at the same time, the Center Director will assign support spaces based on the needs of the groups and will notify groups of their space allocations in advance of the event. The Green Room may also be used for occasional meetings and receptions, independent of performances, with the prior approval of the Center Director. Since the support spaces are common to the two theatres and concert hall, performing groups may occasionally be asked to share space. The Center Director reserves the right to designate specific spaces for particular groups. Support spaces shall not be used as classrooms (except Dressing Room #1, which is used for Makeup classes). 5.12 Recording Sessions In general, sound recording in King Concert Hall and other RAC performance facilities is limited to live performances of public events. However, on occasion these facilities may be scheduled for the express purpose of making a sound recording, provided such scheduling does not interfere with normal rehearsal and performance functions, and provided that the purpose of the recording session is the producing of an album featuring one of the curricular ensembles or a faculty member. The School of Music and the Center Director shall develop and distribute more detailed guidelines for the use of RAC facilities for the purpose of sound recording. 5.13 Hold Policy A hold is a reservation placed on a space when a sponsor is considering having an event on the held date but needs more time to finalize plans. Requests for holds must be submitted in writing, on forms to be provided by the Center Director. All holds will automatically expire within 30 days of their initial issuance by the Center Director if not confirmed by the sponsor during this time. However, a limited onetime extension may be granted at the discretion of the Center Director. Such confirmation shall also be made by using standard scheduling request forms provided by the Center Director. If the date held is for the presentation of an outside group engaged by the sponsor, any letters of agreement, contracts, and technical riders must be submitted by the sponsor to the Center Director during the 30-day hold period. If, during the hold period, a second sponsor places a request for the same space on the same date, the Center Director will contact the first sponsor who will have three business days to commit to the date or release it. Should the first sponsor release that date, he/she will be afforded the opportunity to place a hold on the next suitable date available. Except in the case of an "early bookings" (section 5.9), holds will not normally be accepted in advance of the date on which the sponsor is first eligible to submit requests for the following season. For holds placed during the season, confirmation or release must occur at least by the 15th of the month preceding the event, but not less than 30 calendar days. For example, an event occurring on April 1 would need to be finalized by March 1, not March 15. 5.14 Publicizing Only Approved Events Users are expected to refrain from announcing or publicizing events in any way until a signed, written confirmation of the booking has been received by the user from the Center Director. 5.15. Finals Week No production or performance involving students or directed primarily at student audiences shall be scheduled starting with the full day before the first final examination up and through but not including the evening of the last day of examinations. Exempted from this prohibition are events that form part of student curricular requirements (e.g., Senior Art Exhibits, BFA and School of Music portfolio recitals). 5.16 Dead Week Beginning with the 1991-92 season, the scheduling prohibitions for Finals Week shall be extended to "Dead Week." Dead Week shall be defined as the seven calendar days immediately preceding the first day of final exams. 5.17 Appeals and Exceptions Exceptions to the scheduling prohibitions of 5.15 and 5.16 above should be made through the Center Director to the Dean of Arts and Humanities who will make the final determination of the allowability of end-of-semester event scheduling. 5.18 Right to Deny Non-Curricular Bookings The Center Director shall be under no obligation to approve scheduling requests by extracurricular and outside users when, in his sole judgment, the resources of the RAC staff and/or the facilities themselves cannot satisfactorily accommodate the requested event. 5.19 Scheduling of Repair and Rehabilitation Building repair and rehabilitation projects which may have the potential of adversely affecting ongoing activity in the building should be scheduled as far in advance as possible using the campus EMS database. 5.20 Booking Deadline All events must be booked (or in the case of previously placed holds, confirmed or released) not later than the 15th day of the month prior to the event, but not less than 30 calendar days. For example, an event occurring on April 1 would need to be finalized by March 1, not March 15. Whenever possible, rehearsals should also be scheduled by this deadline. 5.21 Appeals to exceed usage caps. If a prospective user of RAC facilities has had a request turned down due to the usage cap system or other reason, and wishes to file an appeal, he or she is expected to do so in writing (via email or hard copy) explaining why the request should nonetheless be accommodated. This appeal is to be filed with the Center Director who will forward the appeal, along with the Center’s response, to the administrative office to whom the Center reports, for a final determination. 6.0 Access and Security6.1 Keys The Office of the Center Director shall maintain keys to performance spaces that may be issued for periods of short duration to production stage managers, master electricians, ATDs, House Managers, or other authorized individuals requiring access. The College Maintenance and Operations Department shall issue permanently assigned keys, including those assigned to faculty and staff in the Departments of Theatre and Dance, the Department of Visual Arts and New Media and Rockefeller Arts Center. 6.2 Building Hours The building will be closed from 11:00pm to 7:00am weekdays, and completely closed on weekends unless public events are scheduled. In the case of rehearsals and performances to which the general public is invited, but which are held during a "closed building" period, the Center Director may require the scheduling of maintenance personnel. Sponsors in priority groups II through V may be required to pay for such personnel, according to the rates in the fee schedule. If, to facilitate curricular activity, a faculty member invites students to use the Arts Center beyond closing hours, the building must still be kept locked to non-participating students. Faculty unlocking doors during closed hours must immediately lock doors after themselves. Doors may not be propped open. Also, the doors must be locked again after exiting the building. Faculty members permitting such use of facilities assume full responsibility for supervision and actions of these students and compliance with rules as outlined in this statement. 6.3 After Hours Access The Center Director recognizes that certain procedures necessary for the completion of academic requirements, such as kiln firing and pot throwing, and other occasional academic projects, such as graphic design and mechanical or CADD drawing, require long, uninterrupted periods of time and special facilities for their completion. Occasionally students who require facilities will find it necessary to work in the building after hours and without faculty supervision to complete these projects. At the beginning of each semester, the Departments of Theatre and Dance, and Visual Arts and New Media will submit a list of students allowed after hours access to the building to be programmed into the swipe card access readers located on each loading dock door. These students will be permitted access to and use of all equipment and supplies in their assigned work areas. Students using the building during "closed building" periods must have valid student ID with them, and must follow building policies at all times. Failure to follow policies will result in revocation of some or all after hours privileges. Department chairs or their designees should ensure that students receiving after hours access are properly trained in the safe operation of all equipment and procedures required to complete their work. The Center Director reserves the right, after consultation with appropriate department chairs, to revoke any individuals after hours access if, in his opinion, Center policies are not being observed. 6.4 Repairs The Center Director and his agents shall have the right to enter upon the premise at all hours to make repairs, alterations or additions; or he may enter for any other purpose deemed necessary for the safety, preservation or improvement of said premises. The Center Director reserves the right to temporarily close any portion of the facilities, canceling or postponing any activities, in order to complete these repairs. 7.0 Staff Requirements7.1 General Requirements a) Determination of personnel needs for the presentation and operation of events in the Arts Center is the prerogative and responsibility of the Center Director. b) All sponsors in priority groups IV and V shall be required to pay for the services of a Center representative, who will be on duty during the entire period of time the sponsor or sponsored performers are in the facilities. This representative may also serve as the technical director. The cost for the services of this representative will be billed according to the fee schedule. c) All sponsors of ticketed events in RAC are required to use the University Ticket Office for their ticketing needs and will be required to pay for ticket printing and box office services and personnel at rates established by the Ticket Office. Ticket printing requests must be submitted to the Center Director on the RAC Scheduling Request Form. Requests will be forwarded to the University Ticket Office after they have been approved by the Center management. The requirement to use the University Ticket Office may be modified or waived at the discretion of the Center Director in the case of free events produced by community based organizations whose audience is essentially an affinity group of the organization, e.g., Fredonia High School annual commencement, etc. Technical and backstage staff shall be responsible to the designated technical director and/or stage manager. The Center Director retains the right to require sponsoring organizations to supply security and maintenance personnel if he has reason to believe that such personnel are essential. For each event in the concert hall and theatres, the Center Director will designate a House Manager. The House Manager shall act with the authority of the Center Director in supervision of box office personnel, and other front-of-house personnel. Sponsors in priority categories IIIb, IV and V will be required to pay for the services of the House Manager, according to the published fee schedule. The House Manager will be on duty one hour and fifteen minutes before curtain and will remain on duty until the house is clear. The Center Director may require a user to engage and pay for a Fire Marshal to be in attendance at any event if, in the sole judgment of the Center Director, such attendance is warranted. 7.2 Usher Corps Rockefeller Arts Center will maintain and manage a centralized usher corps, the purpose of which is to provide trained personnel for front-of-house services (excluding box office) at all public events in the building. Membership on the usher corps will be open to students and community residents. The Center Director may authorize complimentary tickets to any event held in Rockefeller Arts Center for usher corps members who have fulfilled usher corps responsibilities at six events. 8.0 General Rules8.1 Smoking Smoking is prohibited inside Rockefeller Arts Center, but is permitted on the outside plaza and the exterior portion of the northwest entrance to Marvel Theatre. Smoking on stage is NOT allowed. This is State Law for a public building. 8.2 Food and Beverages Food and beverages are forbidden in the Arts Center with the following exceptions: 1. Food or beverage consumed on stage as called for in the script. 2. In specifically designated areas as part of a reception, meal or concession approved by the Center Director at least two weeks prior to the date of the scheduled event. 3. Faculty, staff and maintenance offices and the student lounges. 8.3 Alcoholic Beverages The consumption of alcoholic beverages in the Center is prohibited unless permission is received in advance from the Center Director and the College Alcohol Review Committee. Sponsors wishing to serve alcoholic beverages as part of a reception or meal should make a written application at least two weeks in advance and submit it to the College Alcohol Review Committee. Forms for this purpose are available from the Alcohol Review Committee, in the Office of Student Affairs. The Center Director's signature is required on this form. A faculty advisor to the group will be in charge of the function and will be responsible for maintenance of proper decorum. The group receiving permission for alcoholic consumption at the Arts Center will be responsible for leaving the area in the same condition as it was on arrival. 8.4 Lost and Found Such articles should be turned in to the Arts Center office. Items not claimed within thirty (30) days will be discarded, if reasonable attempts to find owner have failed. 9.0 House RulesInterpretation and implementation of the following house rules is the responsibility of the House Manager. 9.1 Sales and Displays Other than book signings handled by the Faculty Student Association (see below), the sale of souvenir items such as recordings, souvenir programs, t-shirts, buttons, etc. related or unrelated to an event is subject to advance written approval by the Center Director or designee. Sales related to events in King Concert Hall require State Permit. Unless other arrangements are made and agreed to by the Center Director or designee, the staff of the Arts Center will conduct all such sales, providing the necessary change fund, tables, etc. The Center has a valid Certificate of Authority to Collect New York State Sales Tax through an arrangement with the office of the Vice President for Administration and the office of Internal Control. The Center will collect and remit the required sales tax through the office of Student Accounts. In addition, the Center will collect a house commission determined from time to time by the Center Director and published in the Center's fee schedule. The Center Director reserves the right to prohibit the sale or display of items at his discretion. The location and manner of selling of items shall be at the discretion of the Center Director. The Center Director at his sole discretion may disallow any sales. The sale of books written by visiting speakers at lectures and talks may be conducted on RAC premises by the Faculty Student Association which shall provide the product inventory, staff, change fund, etc. to conduct the sales. FSA shall in these cases be responsible for the collection and transmittal of the NYS sales tax. In these cases, FSA will pay Rockefeller Arts Center a commission of 10% of gross pre-tax sales. 9.1.1 Solicitation No solicitations, donations or collections of money or goods of any kind, whether for charity or otherwise, shall be made or attempted on RAC premises without prior written consent of Center Director and the event sponsor. However, nothing in this section shall preclude event sponsors from putting on benefit concerts or similar events which seek to raise money for specific causes. Tickets for such events must be sold through the university Ticket Office and such sales shall be subject to the Ticket Office’s standard fees and procedures. 9.2 Concessions The Center Director reserves the sole right to sell refreshments at any event. Consumption shall not be permitted in seating areas. Sales tax will be included in the price of beverages and refreshments sold and will be remitted to the State of New York through the Center’s agreement with the Faculty Student Association. 9.3 Programs All sponsors using printed programs shall include the following notice: “The use of cameras and audio or video recording equipment of any type is strictly prohibited. Please check such equipment with the House Manager.” Sponsors should also include notices on special effects used in the production, such as haze, fog, strobe lights, etc. Sponsors providing their own programs should deliver them to Room G-14 in Rockefeller Arts Center, one business day in advance of the performance. Sale of advertising in programs requires the approval of the Center Director, and the Center Director reserves the right to prohibit, restrict, control and/or coordinate such sales. The Center Director reserves the right to distribute promotional material as program inserts at any event held in the Arts Center. Any other promotional material or program inserts must be related to the event in process or a future event to be held in the Arts Center. No such material or inserts shall be distributed without approval of the Center Director. 9.4 Cameras, Audio and Video Equipment The enjoyment of the live performing arts by members of the audience should be a prime concern of all sponsors and artists. Hence, the private use of cameras, with or without flash, and the private use of any recording device (sound or video) is generally prohibited. Members of the audience will be asked to check such equipment with the House Manager. For certain informal events, such use of cameras and/or audio recording equipment may be arranged in advance by mutual agreement between the artist(s), the sponsor and the Center Director. The use of cameras, audio, and/or video equipment by members of the press or official college departments (Sound Recording Technology, Creative Support Services, and College Affairs) requires the advance permission of the sponsor, artist(s) and the Center Director. Arrangements should be made as far in advance as possible. Placement of audio and video equipment, and the locations from which pictures may be taken, shall meet the approval of the Center Director. When approval is granted for these activities, the Center Director will issue press or recording passes, which must be worn by the personnel using the equipment. This will indicate to the House Manager and Ushers that permission has been obtained in advance. 9.5 Opening of Lobby Doors and Box Office The outer lobby doors and the box office will be opened 60 minutes before curtain time. Inside doors to the concert hall and theatres will be opened one-half hour before curtain time. 9.6 Late Seating In an effort to make all programs more enjoyable for both the audience and the performers, late seating will be at the discretion of the performing artist and enforced by the House Manager. 9.7 Paging Paging a member of the audience will be permitted only on an emergency basis and will be allowed only before curtain, during an intermission, or after final curtain. 9.8 Waiting List The box office shall remind customers to pick up unpaid reservations by 30 minutes before curtain time. When a performance is sold out, the box office shall start a waiting list one hour before curtain time. After a grace period of 15 minutes, (i.e., 15 minutes before curtain), the box office may release any unclaimed, unpaid reservations to people on the waiting list. If additional tickets are needed after all regular seats have been sold, the House Manager may, at his or her discretion, release Emergency Seats to people on the waiting list. 9.9 Complimentary Tickets In accordance with State University Policy, press radio and television representatives on work assignments shall be admitted free of charge to any public event that is staged in College facilities. Only one ticket per press/media organization will be provided. The name of the organization and the attending representative must be left one week in advance with the Center Director who, in turn, will contact the Ticket Office. Only the designated representative will be allowed use of the ticket. For events ticketed by the University Ticket Office, four complimentary tickets to each performance will automatically be set aside for the use of the Center Director. These tickets may be distributed to visiting dignitaries, state officials, guests of the college, and others at the discretion of the Center Director. The Center Director will, at his discretion, release all tickets he is reasonably certain will be unused at least one half hour before curtain time. Sponsors not using the University Ticket Office for ticketing are required to provide four complimentary admissions for use by the Center Director. Sponsors may provide additional complimentary tickets at their discretion by making arrangements directly with the University Ticket Office. 9.10 House Seats In addition to the complimentary tickets above the Box Office shall set aside a specified number of tickets as "house seats." These seats cannot be released or sold without the express permission of the Center Director or the House Manager. The primary purpose of the house seats is to rectify reservation errors and seating problems; at the discretion of the Center Director, they may also be issued to VIPs and special guests in the event of sold out shows. However, sponsors are encouraged to set aside extra seats that they can release at their own discretion if sell-outs are anticipated. The location of the house seats shall be determined by the Center Director. The number of seats set aside shall be: 24 in King Concert hall; 10 in Marvel Theatre and 4 in Bartlett Theatre. 9.11 Starting Time All performances should start on time. Only unusual technical difficulties or extreme weather conditions should allow curtains to be late. 9.12 Bartlett Theatre Seating The standard minimum number of chairs to be set up in Bartlett Theatre is 150. If the sponsor wishes to use a smaller number of chairs, the quantity must be indicated at the time the event is booked by including the information on the scheduling request form. If a larger number is desired, this must be indicated in writing to the box office and to RAC management by the beginning of the semester in which the event is to take place. In any case, ALL flexible seating arrangements must be approved in advance by Center Director for compliance with codes. 10.0 Technical Rules10.1 Set and Equipment Removal Sponsors of events in the concert hall, theatres and gallery using sets, props, pedestals, art works, theatrical equipment and related materials are expected to remove these items immediately following the conclusion of their final performance or exhibit date, and return the spaces used to their "normal working condition." Sponsors requiring additional strike time must schedule such time as part of their original request for facilities use. For Marvel and Bartlett Theatres, normal working condition shall include having the floor painted a uniform dark color (flat black). Additional definition of normal working condition, including placement of line sets for Marvel Theatre, is available from the Center Director. In the event that a sponsor fails to remove the referenced materials within 24 hours after the last scheduled use of space, the Center Director is authorized to hire the work done, and the sponsor shall be liable for the costs of removal and storage. The Center Director shall not be liable for any damage to property so removed. 10.2 Pianos, Harpsichords and Tuning/Service Pianos and harpsichords in RAC are inventoried equipment of the School of Music. These instruments must be requested by the user on the Rockefeller Arts Center Technical Questionnaire. Assignment of specific instruments for each performance or event is at the sole discretion of the Head of Piano Technical Services, School of Music. Assignment of instruments will be based on performance criteria, tuning and service requirements, and scheduling considerations. Piano Technical Services will provide tuning and any other necessary service for each public performance. Users must communicate their piano and harpsichord service requirements directly to the Head of Piano Technical Services at least three weeks prior to their events. Additional lead-time may be needed if an event will utilize more than one instrument or will necessitate moving an instrument to or within RAC. Users are responsible for handling any piano or harpsichord provided for their use by RAC. Users must protect the instrument from collision, abrasion and any abuse. Users must provide careful stagehands if an instrument must be moved. Users should close the instrument and put its protective cover on after each use. Unless specifically approved by the head of piano technical services of the School of Music, the following are prohibited: attaching or fastening anything to pianos, removing lids of pianos, "preparing" pianos or nontraditional performance techniques requiring manipulation of any interior parts of the piano, striking any part of the piano, etc. If a "prepared" piano performance is to be programmed, arrangements must be made well (more than 4 weeks) in advance with Piano Technical Services to provide an appropriate instrument. Sponsors in priority groups IV and V may be required to pay a fee for use and service of pianos and harpsichords. Such fees will be determined by the Center Director and published in the fee schedule. 10.3 King Concert Hall Equipment, Set up and Strike All School of Music ensembles holding rehearsals and performances in King Concert Hall shall be able to use RAC-inventoried music stands, chairs, conductor podiums, and “gull-wing” risers. Ensembles are expected to provide responsible supervision and personnel for setting up the equipment and returning it to its proper place after each use of the hall. Choral ensembles only may also use the curved choral risers and the rectangular choral “table risers.” Set up and strike of the choral table risers shall be supervised by staff of Rockefeller Arts Center. Percussion equipment stored in the RAC Percussion Cage is inventoried to the School of Music and its use should be scheduled and approved by the head of the School of Music Percussion Studio. 10.4 Faculty Supervision All stage work and machine shop work shall be approved and supervised by a faculty member or an approved staff member. 10.5 Equipment Approval All stage equipment used in connection with any event, other than that provided by the Center, shall be approved by the Center Director, and shall be paid for by the sponsor. 10.6 Orchestra Pits No one shall operate orchestra pit elevators without direct supervision from an approved faculty or staff member. ALL pit orchestra/band configurations must be approved in advance by Center Director for compliance to codes. 10.7 Lamp Burnage and other Technical Costs Sponsors may be required to reimburse the Center for its out-of pocket expenses necessitated by the sponsors' rehearsals and performances. The expenses will generally consist of a pro-rated cost for theatrical lamp replacement, dimmer repair, and consumable supplies such as color media, tape, paint, etc. 10.8 Use of Power Tools Students shall not use power tools without direct supervision of faculty or staff members. 10.9 Equipment Loan/Rental Due to safety considerations and the need to prolong the life of RAC equipment, the Center Director reserves the right to restrict or prohibit the loan or rental of equipment outside of the building. 10.10 Amplified Music Volume Occasionally touring musical groups amplify their sound system to the point of pain or possible long-term damage to the hearing of audience members. Therefore, the Center Director reserves the right to set maximum decibel levels for amplified sound and to monitor rehearsal and performance sound levels using objective measuring instruments. The Center Director or his designee shall further be provided access to the master volume control of sound systems to ensure that maximum levels are not exceeded. 10.11 Special Effects Smoking is never permitted in performance spaces. Gunshots, pyrotechnics, fog, haze and any other atmospheric effects must be approved in advance by Center Director, and appropriate signage provided warning patrons. These special effects also must be noted prominently in the program handbill. Open flame must be approved by the Center Director well in advance of the performance, and the effect must comply with safety precautions listed in NFPA-160 (National Fire Prevention Association standard 160). Contact the Center Director for approval and compliance procedures. Sponsors may be required to pay for the services of one or more Fire Marshals at the judgment of the Center Director. 11.0 Other Rules11.1 Building Alterations No person shall install any wires, electrical appliances, plumbing fixtures or pipes. No nails, tacks, screws, or similar articles shall be driven or placed in any part of the premises. No surface in the Center will be painted, and no painting will be done outside the Scene Shop and Art Studios, without written approval of the Center Director. 11.2 Locks No person shall place any additional locks on doors. Additional security must be approved by the Center Director. 11.3 Compliance with Laws Sponsors shall comply with the laws of the United States and the State of New York, the ordinances of the Village of Fredonia and the regulations of the Fire Department, and Board of Health. 11.4 Access to Roof Students are prohibited from the roofs unless accompanied and supervised by a faculty or staff member. The Center Director and Director of University Police must be notified before students are taken to the roof. 11.5 Music Licensing Fees Sponsors in priority groups IIIb, IV and V may be required to pay a pro-rated share of music licensing fees. These license fees are paid by RAC to ASCAP and BMI. Such fees will be determined by the Center Director and published in the fee schedule. 12.0 Definitions12.1 College Organization A “college organization” is any group, club or organization listed in the college catalog and/or officially recognized by the Student Association. 12.2 Center Director The term “Center Director” refers to the chief college administrator in charge of the Rockefeller Arts Center. For various sections of this policy, the Center Director may, from time to time, assign specific responsibilities and prerogatives to designated subordinates. | |||
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