Rockefeller Arts Center User Services Policies

Rockefeller Arts Center User Services Policies


Document TitleRockefeller Arts Center User Services Policies
Document Type
  • Bylaws
  • Policy Document
  • Procedures
  • Guidelines
  • Form
Document Owner
Contact Information
Office Name Phone Email

Approval Date

Approved by
Effective Date

Revised October 1, 2011

Review Date/Schedule
Revision History


1.0 Purpose of Center

As a facility, the Rockefeller Arts Center is an educational and cultural resource for the State University College at Fredonia and the regional community. The Center comprises performing and exhibit spaces and their support spaces (dressing rooms, shops, Green Room, etc.); art studios; classrooms; offices; and common areas, such as hallways, the outdoor plaza and the student commons.

2.0 Responsibility of Center Director

The responsibility for the management of the Michael C. Rockefeller Arts Center rests with the Center Director. These policies, approved by the College President and the Center Director, set the framework within which the Center Director will exercise his independent discretion and judgment. The Center Director's management responsibilities carry with them a parallel authority to carry out planning, directing and controlling functions as required to maintain the facility and determine its proper use.

2.1 Users' Council

The Rockefeller Arts Center Users' Council shall consist of the heads of the academic programs in music, theatre, art, and dance plus representatives of other users as appointed from time to time by the Center Director. The Users’ Council shall serve in an advisory capacity to and be chaired by the Center Director. The council shall meet at least once each semester to address topics of mutual concern. The council shall review any proposed changes to the Center's operational policies and shall also serve as a mechanism to coordinate concerns and activities relating to the Arts Center's physical plant, equipment, and staffing. The Users' Council may also serve as a forum for discussion and advocacy for funding for arts programs on campus.

3.0 Purpose of Policies

This policy manual is an elaboration of the User Service Mission found in the Center's Mission Statement and Statement of Operating Philosophy. The purpose of this manual is to set forth the rules, regulations and procedures by which the Rockefeller Arts Center, as a facility, runs. This manual describes in detail the expectations that the Arts Center has of users of the building and also the expectations that users should have of the Arts Center.

4.0 Method of Adopting and Changing Policies

The Center Director, his supervisor(s) and the College President have approved these policies. Minor or procedural changes may be made by the Center Director in consultation with, his supervisor and appropriate Vice President. The President and RAC users will be notified of such changes. Major or substantive changes require the approval of the RAC Users' Council and the College President. Requests for changes to these policies should be directed to the Center Director.

5.0 Scheduling

Scheduling for the Arts Center begins in November for the following academic year and is accomplished in several phases. Priority Group I users of Marvel Theatre and Bartlett Theatre will meet each year by November 15 to set their usage of these spaces for the following academic year. Production time in the hall from load-in through performance and strike should be scheduled at this time. First Priority Users are expected to leave a reasonable number of usable days free in Marvel Theatre for use by professional touring groups. A meeting of First Priority King Concert Hall users will occur by November 20.

5.1 Spaces Scheduled

Spaces scheduled and controlled by the Center Director include: King Concert Hall, Marvel Theatre, Bartlett Theatre (and the adjacent lobbies and support spaces), the Green Room, the Arts Center Conference Room, the Gallery, the Gallery Lobby, the exterior Arcade and Plaza areas. The College Registrar schedules and controls the use of all regular classrooms (rooms 235 and 236). The departments of Visual Arts and New Media and Theatre and Dance schedule activities in their offices and dedicated spaces. (Art studios and the Emmitt Christian Gallery for VANM and the Scene Shop, Costume Shop, and Acting Studios A and B for the DTAD.)

For special events and receptions, the student commons, courtyards, and other common areas may also be scheduled through the Center Director.

5.1.1 Annual Usage Caps

Because the usage of spaces scheduled by the Center Director has a direct imp