Department of Geology & Environmental Sciences Handbook

Department of Geology & Environmental Sciences Handbook


Document TitleDepartment of Geology & Environmental Sciences Handbook
Document Type
  • Bylaws
  • Policy Document
  • Procedures
  • Guidelines
  • Form
Document Owner
Contact Information
Office Name Phone Email

Approval Date

April, 2018

Approved by
Effective Date

Review Date/Schedule
Revision History


Continuing Reappointment, Promotion and Reappointment Policies

The Department of Geology & Environmental Sciences (GES) department adheres to the HARP document.  The below information is to provide clarification regarding five areas:

  1. The evaluation of adjuncts as addressed in HARP will be incorporated in the CDS department.  The department chair will ensure that the HARP guidelines are implemented and will communicate with the adjunct on all course evaluations, syllabi, and examples of exams or assignments.

  2. The discipline-specific criteria for evaluating teaching, scholarship activity and service are in Appendix A of this document in addition to the criteria addressed in HARP.

  3. The make-up and role of the Department Personnel Committee (DPC) in reappointment, and recommendation of permanent appointment is governed by HARP without need of further clarification, including that the department chair will not serve on the DPC.  

  4. The evidence of expected scholarship activity is governed by HARP and the department scholarship criteria.  

  5. The CDS department members agree that scholarship and creative activity should have examples  that are “… public, susceptible to critical review and evaluation, and assessable for exchange and use by other members of one’s scholarly community,” as indicated by HARP (e.g.  peer-reviewed publications and peer-reviewed presentations).  


Guidelines & Criteria for Teaching Effectiveness

Defined by HARP as:  “Consistently effective communication of knowledge in the field and consistent stimulation of subject growth in relevant skills, understandings, and enthusiasm for the subject”.  Teaching effectiveness should be attested by evidence, including, but not limited to the following:

  1. Periodic peer reports of teaching effectiveness by chair or personnel committee as declared necessary by personnel committee.
    1. Provide tangible evaluations/descriptions of the effects of instruction for students and of the suitability of course “content” consistent with professional expertise.
      1. Assessment should involve discussion of strengths and areas of improvement:  Preparedness, promptness, attendance, accessibility, method(s) of teaching (small group activities, case study approach, lecture, knowledge of current literature), and facilitating student interaction.
      2. **(S) Invited workshops and professional presentations.
  2. Periodic Student evaluations of teaching effectiveness.  These formal and informal evaluations should be drawn from each course taught by the individual at each semester.  Documentation of a pattern of responsibility and effectiveness must be evident.
    1. Classroom teaching
    2. Advisement effectiveness
    3. Provide examples of syllabi, grade distributions, tests, and clinical writing requirements.
    4. Clinical supervision effectiveness
  3. Implementation of a new course.
  4. Evidence of faculty development and teaching.
    1. Attendance at a pedagogical workshop to enhance teaching effectiveness or method; or supervision ability.
  5. Evidence of mentoring students beyond the scope of assigned work:
    1. Chair of Master’s Thesis Committee, Independent Study or Research Project Option.
    2. Faculty advisor of a Master’s Thesis Committee, Independent Study or Research Project Option.
    3. **(R) Presenting as a second or third author with the student (first author) at a national or state conference.
    4. Tutoring (clinical or course work)

NOTE:  **= Cross-referenced
(T) = Teaching  (R) = Research  (S) = Service

Guidelines & Criteria for Scholarly Effectiveness

  1. Publications:
    1. Research papers, articles, reviews in refereed journals
    2. Research papers, articles, reviews in non-refereed journals
    3. Books, manuals, etc.
    4. NOTE: Publications should be documented as activity if they fall within one of the
    5. following two stages of publication:
      1. submitted, or
      2. in review.  
    6. Publications should be documented as achievement if they are in the following two stages:
      1. In press, or
      2. published.
    7. Also, indication by publisher on the status of submitted material should be included in documenting either activity or achievement.
  2. Presentation:
    1. Papers or invited participation in scholarly conferences – (refereed)
    2. Papers or invited participation in scholarly conferences – (non-referred)
    3. May include national, international, state, local or community presentations** (S)
    4. NOTE: Presentations should be documented as activity if they fall within one of the following two stages of presentation:
      1. Submitted, or
      2. In review.
    5. Presentations should be documented as achievement if they have been presented.
  3. Formal participation in professional societies and organizations or elected leadership roles:
  4. Editorial Appointments to scholarly journals, publishing organizations or associations:
  5. Grants:
    1. Federal, State, Local, Private (corporations, foundations, etc.), internal/institutional
    2. *NOTE: Indicate stage of grant (submitted, resubmitted or attained) and funding source.
  6. Student Research/Projects:
    1. **(T) Student presentations in which the student is the 1st author
    2. **(T) Faculty chair or advisor of Thesis, independent study, research project option.
    3. **(T) Student participation in grant writing or independent research taking place in a laboratory, community or clinical setting with a faculty member mentor.
  7. Program Development:
    1. Development of specialized/clinical program or laboratory where basic science or clinical research is occurring.
    2. **Demonstration of activity/achievement in several areas is required but not limited to specific components of scholarly activity suggestions.

Guidelines & Criteria for Service Effectiveness

  1. Active participation in faculty governance, understood as including departmental and other special committee work as well as college wide activity.
    1. Chairing and/or participating on college-wide standing, ad hoc, or administrative advisory committees.
    2. Chairing and/or participating on college committees within Academic Affairs and/or Liberal Arts & Sciences.
    3. Chairing and/or participating on committees within the Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences.
  2. Directing special university or college activities not otherwise a part of the professional assignment.
    1. **(T) Coordinating and/or presenting college-wide seminars for students, the college, and the professional community.
    2. **(T) Coordinating and/or presenting departmental workshops for students and the professional community.
  3. Active recruitment of students.
    1. Participating in state-wide or regional graduate education fairs for undergraduate students.
    2. Participating in state-wide or regional academic fairs for high school students.
    3. Participating in state-wide or regional high school job fairs.
    4. Producing literature or information packets used in recruiting students.
  4. Assisting the community in a public service capacity that draws upon and is therefore a reflection of professional expertise.
    1. **(T) Providing training or continuing education workshops to professionals in the regional area in areas of clinical and/or professional expertise, i.e., invited lectures, workshops, professional presentations.
    2. **(T) Coordinating, participating in, and supervising students in speech-language and hearing screening and/or treatment programs within the regional community.
    3. Serving as a volunteer/elected member of the Board of Directors of a non-profit agency providing service in areas of clinical and/or professional expertise.
    4. Providing consultant services to persons within the community in areas of clinical expertise.

NOTE:  **= Cross-referenced
(T) = Teaching  (R) = Research  (S) = Service


  • Academic Affairs
  • Advancement
  • Financial
  • Governance
  • ITS
  • Operational
  • Personnel
  • School/College
  • Student Life

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