Employer Recruiting Policy

Employer Recruiting Policy


Document TitleEmployer Recruiting Policy
Document Type
  • Bylaws
  • Policy Document
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  • Form
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Employer Recruiting Policy

To ensure the highest quality of our services and to better assist Fredonia students, alumni and other users of our services, the Fredonia Career Development Office (CDO) has established these policies and guidelines for all recruiting activities sponsored by the CDO.

Overview and Definition

Recruiting activities include, but are not limited to: posting and advertising job and internship opportunities, campus interviews, information sessions, campus tabling, and career or related fairs. The CDO offers assistance to employers in accordance with the Principles of Professional Conduct for Career Services and Employment Professionals outlined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). These principles have guided our policy for University recruiting activities.

Services for Employers

The CDO offers employers the use of its services and facilities so that they may access students and alumni from the University. Employers are expected to act in accordance with the Principles of Professional Conduct for Career Services and Employment Professionals outlined by NACE.

To be qualified as an employer to use the services of the CDO:

  • Employers and Third-Party recruiters must adhere to Federal and New York State Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) guidelines.

  • The opportunity must not involve on-campus solicitation, posting of materials, or sale of products or services.

  • Employers and individuals offering employment and/or entrepreneurial opportunities with compensation packages requiring commission only or requiring prospective employees to purchase a franchise or products or services up front, or where compensation is based exclusively on commission or fees/percentage of sales from others under their sponsorship in the organization, are not permitted to access the services of the CDO.

EXCEPTION: This does not apply to fees for Federal and State licensing requirements such as real estate, securities, etc.

Virtual Internship Policy

The internship program at Fredonia promotes students' intellectual, personal and professional growth in work settings related to their academic studies. Degree requirements which include internship and/or applied learning opportunities will increase the need for off-site or less time-restrictive internships, such as virtual opportunities. Additionally, virtual internships allow students who cannot afford, or are not physically able, to participate in opportunities that may have not otherwise been an option.

All employers should be aware of Fredonia's Virtual Internship Policy prior to promoting an off-site experiential learning.   

Third-Party Recruiters

Definition of third-party recruiters:

  1. Third-party recruiters are agencies, organizations, or individuals recruiting candidates for temporary, part-time or full-time employment opportunities other than for their own needs. This includes entities that refer or recruit for profit or not for profit, and it includes agencies that collect student information to be disclosed to employers for purposes of recruitment and employment.
  2. Third-party recruiting organizations charge for services using one of the following fee structures:
  3. Applicant Paid Fee: The applicant pays the third-party recruiter a fee based upon the applicant’s starting salary once the applicant is placed with an employer.
  4. Employer Paid Fee:
    1. Retainer – The employer pays a flat fee to the third-party recruiter for services performed in the recruiting of individuals to work for the employer.
    2. Contingency Fee – The employer pays to the third-party recruiter a percentage of the applicant’s starting salary once the applicant is hired by the employer.
    3. The above definition includes, but is not limited to, the following entities regardless of the fee structure used by the entity to charge for services.
      1. Employment Agencies/Organizations: List positions for a number of client organizations and receive payment when a referred candidate is hired. The fee for listing a position is paid either by the firm listing the opening (fee paid) or by the candidate who is hired.
      2. Search Firms/Organizations: Contract with clients (employers) to find and screen qualified persons to fill specific positions. The fees for this service are paid by the clients (employers).
      3. Contract Recruiter/Organizations: Contract with an employer to act as the employer’s agent in the recruiting and employment function.
      4. Resume Referral Firms/Organizations: Collect data on job seekers which is sent to prospective employers. Fees exist for the employer, job seeker, or both.

Temporary Agencies – Temporary agencies are employers, not third-party recruiters, and will be expected to comply with the professional conduct principles set forth for employer professionals. These are organizations that contract to provide individuals qualified to perform specific tasks or complete specific projects for the client organization. Individuals perform work at the client organization, but are employed and paid by the agency.

Services for Third-Party Recruiters

Agencies may post positions in FREDNetwork, our web database system, provided they include on the listing the name of the employer with the opening and indicate that there are no fees to candidates for applying.

Contact information for an individual at the employing company must be provided to the CDO staff for verification purposes. Contact information can either be made available to the job seeker or not, at the discretion of the Third-Party Agency.

Agencies may attend events sponsored by the CDO provided they clearly represent the name of the company or companies they are representing. As with vacancy listings, the Third-Party representative must provide the CDO with the contact information for the organizations contracting their agency to act on their behalf at the event.

In no case will the CDO refer, electronically or otherwise, students to agencies that charge fees to the job seeker.

In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the CDO releases candidate information only with the written permission of the employment candidate and only to the identified employers or third-party recruiters. Re-disclosure of candidate information is not permitted.

The CDO reserves the right to review all employment or internship opportunities and reject or place conditions upon vacancies as deemed appropriate. Employers or agencies who violate any of the above policies or who have been judged by a court of law in the United States to be engaged in illegal activities are prohibited from using CDO services.

Any questions related to these policies should be directed to the Employer Relations Coordinator at (716) 673-3327.


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