voicemail - voicemail to email at Fredonia

voicemail - voicemail to email at Fredonia

Voicemail to email as an option can be helpful if you are away from your handset and you need to know when you have received a voice mail message.  This service will provide an email message with an attached file that contains a copy of the voicemail message.  There is no message transcription available with this service, only the audio file attachment.  The voicemail box will retain the message, unless you choose to delete the message from the link in the email.  You can also delete the messages locally at the handset if necessary.   It is possible to fill the voicemail box so users of this service should be diligent in removing saved voicemail messages.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Modify your voicemail greeting 

 NOTE: The voicemail owner will need to disclose to the caller in the voicemail answering service that the voicemail will be automatically forwarded to a campus email address and not leave a voicemail with sensitive information. 

For Example:

"You have reached the voicemail of Dr. Jane Smith at the State University of New York at Fredonia. In order to respond to your message as quickly as possible, your message is also automatically sent to my campus email address. Please do not leave a voicemail with sensitive information and I will respond to your message as soon as possible.  Thank you"

Your greeting can be changed using the directions.

     2.  request the service through Tracker

To request this service, put a ticket in tracker.  Please include your name, office address, and the phone number you would like the service for.    Please include your email address as well, keep in mind users must use their designated fredonia.edu address for this service. Personal email addresses are strictly prohibited for this service.

Users are also responsible for asking for this service to be removed if their position changes on campus, retirement, phone number changes, etc...

NOTE: If messages need to be routed to multiple fredonia.edu email accounts, users need to communicate with each other if they respond or delete the messages. A Google Group will be created with all of the email addresses that need to receive messages from a single phone line. 

If you have questions or need further assistance, please email the ITS Service Center or submit a ticket through Tracker. Our phone number is (716) 673-3407, and you can visit us at our office in W203 Thompson Hall 2nd Floor.

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