Transfer Credit Appeal

Transfer Credit Appeal


Document TitleTransfer Credit Appeal
Document Type
  • Bylaws
  • Policy Document
  • Procedures
  • Guidelines
  • Form
Document Owner
Contact Information
Office Name Phone Email

Approval Date

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Effective Date

Review Date/Schedule
Revision History


Transfer Credit Appeal Process

This appeal process can be used when a student wishes to contest the way his or her transfer course was evaluated (that is, whether the course was equated to a specific Fredonia course or applied to a particular degree requirement). The appeal must be made during the student’s first semester of enrollment at Fredonia.

  1. The student contacts a transfer counselor in the Registrar’s Office regarding the course in question. The counselor will determine if a revision can be made immediately or will explain the appeal process.
  2. If a formal appeal is requested, the student will complete the Transfer Credit Appeal Form below, and submit it to the appropriate department chairperson/program director for review. The associate provost will review questions regarding the CCC. The appeal must be accompanied by a course description and syllabus from the previous school.
  3. The appeal will be reviewed, and a decision made, within five working days* of receipt of the form. The department chair/director/associate provost will e-mail the decision to the student. If the appeal is approved, the form will be returned to the Registrar’s Office.
  4. If the appeal is not approved, the student will have five working days* to pick up the appeal form from the department and submit it to the appropriate office for the final review: The Dean will review credit or equivalency appeals.
  5. The Dean will make a final decision within five working days* of receipt of the form. He/She will e-mail the decision to the student. The form will be returned to the Registrar’s Office.

Students transferring from SUNY schools, who are not satisfied with the Fredonia decision, can appeal to the SUNY Provost. The appeal form and instructions are available at: http://system.suny.edu/academic-affairs/student-mobility/student-transfer-appeal-process/

*Please note: Working days are defined as days when university classes are in session during the Fall and Spring semesters, excluding weekends. 


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