Using Microsoft OneDrive

Using Microsoft OneDrive

What is Microsoft OneDrive?

Windows Instructions

Macintosh Instructions

How to access OneDrive Off Campus and Share Items

Migrating Files from Google Drive to Microsoft OneDrive

What is Microsoft OneDrive?

Microsoft OneDrive is Microsoft’s cloud storage service part of the Office365 suite available to all faculty, staff, and students. This cloud storage solution should only be used to store business-related data (no personal data) and is comparable to Google Drive. Only Category I - Public or Category II - Private University data should be used with this solution. OneDrive provides the ability to store your documents in the cloud so that they can be securely accessed from anywhere via the Internet. On University-owned desktops and laptops,  OneDrive functions as if it were a local drive for ease of use. It also provides the ability to share documents similar to the way Google Drive allows you to share documents. With OneDrive you have a 1 terabyte quota limit.

NOTE: If campus users need additional storage space above and beyond the 1TB quota, ITS can increase individual quotas up to 5 TB if users can demonstrate a valid business need for the additional storage. To request additional storage in OneDrive, see Request a Storage Quota Increase.


Initial Setup on your work Computer

(1) On your Start Menu, select OneDrive. 

(2) At the initial login screen, enter your EservicesID@fredonia.edu and click the Sign In button.

(3) When Requested, enter your password and Sign In.

(4) If requested, provide your 2 factor authentication (such as Microsoft MFA)

Once login is complete, if you are on a laptop, you will be asked to select which folders to backup. Make sure each folder you want backed up automatically is checked and click continue. If you are on a desktop, these folders are already being backed up via U: Drive (Desktop/Documents) or OneDrive (Pictures).

(5) Then click next through the information messages until you get to the OneDrive is ready message and click Open My OneDrive Folder.

(6) You will now find OneDrive in your File Explorer.

(7) The next time you log into your computer and access your OneDrive, you will be asked to stay signed in to all your apps.

Make sure the box is checked and click OK. (This way you will not have to log in each time you access the drive.

(7) Click Next through the remaining “training” messages. You will then not be required to authenticate again for OneDrive the next time you log in.

To share a document in your OneDrive folder on your workstation, Right-Click on the document and select Share from the drop-down menu.


(1) Go to your applications menu and select OneDrive

(2) At the initial login screen, enter your EservicesID@fredonia.edu and click the Sign In button.

(3) When Requested, enter your password and Sign In.

(4) If requested, provide your 2 factor authentication (such as Microsoft MFA). Then click next through the information messages until you get to the OneDrive is ready message and click Open My OneDrive Folder.

(5) You will now find OneDrive in your finder menu.

How to access OneDrive from Off-campus and Share Items

In your web browser go to https://office.com and log in using your eservicesID@fredonia.edu

Down the far left side of the window is a list of icons for the various office products (if you hover your mouse over an icon it will list which product it is).  About half way down the list is the cloud icon for OneDrive. Click the icon to show your OneDrive files.

Additionally, if you hover your mouse over a document, you will see the icon you can click to share the document.

What is Microsoft OneDrive?

Windows Instructions

Macintosh Instructions

How to access OneDrive Off Campus and Share Items

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