Campus Vending Policy—Credit Card VendorsI. Reason for Policy In an effort to comply with Amendment 6437 of the Education Law, Article 129-A, and the recent recommendations of the Attorney General of the State of New York concerning Credit Card vendors’ ability to operate on SUNY campuses, for the expressed purpose of enticing students to apply for various bank and merchant credit cards, SUNY Fredonia has developed the following policy. II. Policy Statement - It is the policy of SUNY Fredonia to not permit Credit Card companies, their agents, or sub-contractors to operate on the property of SUNY Fredonia for the expressed purpose of soliciting students to register for bank credit cards or merchant credit cards.
- Likewise, student organizations are not permitted to enter in contractual agreements with Credit Card companies, their agents, or sub contractors to agree to solicit other students or friends to apply for credit cards, magazine, DVD or CD subscriptions on the property of SUNY Fredonia.
- The Campus Life Office, as the agent for SUNY Fredonia, will not approve posters or flyers that encourage Credit Card applications.
- This policy is not intended to limit the on-campus marketing of standard full-service banking services that may include credit cards. Such marketing to students and parents is normally done at summer orientation and must be approved by the Campus Life Office. Any approved marketing must comply with the federal Credit Card Act.