Emergency Purchases

Emergency Purchases


Document TitleEmergency Purchases
Document Type
  • Bylaws
  • Policy Document
  • Procedures
  • Guidelines
  • Form
Office/UnitPurchasing Department
Document Owner
Contact Information
Office Name Phone Email

Policy NumberPurchasing Department Policy No. 114
Approval Date

January 2003

Approved by
Effective Date

January 2003

Review Date/Schedule
Revision History

ORIGINAL: January 2003
LAST REVISED: January 2014
REVISION DATE: January 2016


I. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to define a procedure for handling emergency purchases.

II. Scope

This procedure applies to all employees involved in the procurement of materials, supplies, and services.

III. Procedure

According to SUNY Purchasing Procurement Procedures Item 7553, “Emergency” is defined as “an urgent and unexpected requirement where health and public safety or the conservation of public resources is at risk.”

A failure to properly and timely plan in advance for a procurement, which then results in a situation in which normal procurement practices cannot be followed, will not constitute an “emergency”.

An emergency procurement exceeding $20,000 requires the campus to make a prior written request for an exemption from publication in the New York State Contract Reporter. The campus must provide supporting documentation to the Office of the State Comptroller in accordance with OSC Bulletin G107B.

A verbal request, followed up with a written request, may be made to OSC, who will respond verbally as soon as practical, and follow up with a written confirmation of its determination.

Emergency procurements are exempt from the formal competitive selection requirements but the campus must be able to justify and document the selection of the vendor and establish reasonableness of the price.

If it is an emergency, call the Purchasing Department at extension 3438 and we can advise you of the fastest way to process your order.


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