Sub Object Codes for OTPS Purchases

Sub Object Codes for OTPS Purchases


Document TitleSub Object Codes for OTPS Purchases
Document Type
  • Bylaws
  • Policy Document
  • Procedures
  • Guidelines
  • Form
Document Owner
Contact Information
Office Name Phone Email

Approval Date

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Effective Date

Review Date/Schedule
Revision History



3000-3999 - Supplies and Materials
4000-4999 - Travel
5000-5999 - Service
7000-7999 - Equipment
      7200 - Equipment under $,4999
      7300 - Equipment over $5,000
9000-9999 Monthly Recharges

BI Object
Web Object
SUNY TitleState DescriptionUsage Restrictions
3000 Supplies & Materials

3001530010Office SuppliesPurchase of consumable office supplies used in an office (e.g. paper, pens,  pencils, clips, toner, ink, tape, etc)
3061530610IT SuppliesPurchase of computer/IT Parts and Peripherals.  Does NOT include consumable office suppliesIT use ONLY
3100531000Classroom SuppliesPurchase of supplies and aids used in an educational environment
3410534100Books and PeriodicalsPurchase of law books, medical books, library books, periodicals, electronic reference materials, electronic or sheet music, etc
3865538650UniformsPurchase of various uniforms such as Athletic, Police, Custodial, Classroom Lab Coats
Travel Expenses

3563535630FuelPurchase of fuel for a rental car.  Fuel for a University vehicle (if the gas card in the glovebox does not work)
4002540020Tolls & ParkingPurchase of tolls & parking
4002540020TaxiPurchase of taxi fare
4032540320Consultant TravelUsed by Non-Employee Travel Cardholder to bring a consultant to campusNon-Employee Travel use ONLY
4033540330Speaker TravelUsed by Non-Employee Travel Cardholder to bring a speaker to campusNon-Employee Travel use ONLY
4034540340Team TravelUsed by Non-Employee Travel Cardholders for a "group" tripNon-Employee Travel use ONLY
4035540350Other TravelUsed by Non-Employee Travel Cardholder to bring a guest to campus (that is NOT a speaker or consultant)Non-Employee Travel use ONLY
4150541500Car RentalPurchase of car rental while in "Travel Status"
4200542000Meals & Lodging (Method 1)Purchase of employee meals & lodging using Method 1 (no lodging receipt provided) while in "Travel Status"
4201542010Meals (Method 2)Purchase of employee meals using Method 2 (lodging receipt provided) while in "Travel Status"
4203542030Meals (Day Trip)Purchase of employee meals for Day Trips (taxable) while in "Travel Status"
4204542040LodgingPurchase of employee lodging while in "Travel Status"
4215542150AirlinePurchase of employee airline tickets, baggage and agent/booking fees while in "Travel Status"
4225542250Subway & TrainPurchase of subway or train fares 
4300543000Personal MileageReimbursement for use of personal vehicle (See Fredonia Policy #022)
4920549200Employee MovingReimbursement for all employee moving expenses
5003550030Facilities RentalPurchase of facilities such as Athletic training sites or Admission recruitment sessions while in "Travel Status"
5638556380Museum/Historical Sites/Tour GuideHistorical site visits done as part of the Overseas Academic ProgramNon-Employee Travel use ONLY
5638556380Visa/PassportPurchase of employee Visa/Passport for business trips
5826558260InsurancePurchase of overseas travel insurance for business trips
Contractual Services 

5003550030Conference/Training Services - In StateRegistration fees and costs for sponsoring or hosting in-state training and conferences
5004550040Conference/Training Services - Out of StateRegistration fees and costs for sponsoring or hosting out of state training and conferences
5005550050Subscriptions ServicesMagazines and subscriptions for printed or electronic reference materials, periodicals, electronic or sheet music, etc
5006550060MembershipsDues and membership fees paid to professional organizations
5601556010Postage Postage for mailing using US Postal Service and priority or overnight delivery services. NOTE: costs for shipping packages/containers using private carriers should be charged to Shipping 55220
5604556040Printing - Non AdvertisingPrinting services that are NOT related to advertising and merketing activities
5606556060Photocopying Services - Non AdvertisingPhotocopying services that are NOT related to advertising and marketing activities
5622556220IT Software/LicensesPurchase of software (e.g., procurement software, accounting software, etc.).IT use ONLY
5626556260IT Software MaintenancePurchase of maintenance or service support for softwareIT use ONLY
5638556380Office Equipment Repairs & MaintenancePurchase of goods used to repair or services to maintain office equipment and furnishings
5641556410HonorariumsPayments for a specified period of time given for professional services (e.g. speech, invocations or public address)
Equipment Purchases -Other Than Capital:

object series 7200 - avg unit cost is 4999.99 or less

object series 7300 - avg unit cost is 5000.00 or more

7001570010Library BooksReplacement law books, medical books, library books, periodicals, magazines and subscriptions for printed or electronic reference materials, electronic or sheet music, etcLibrary use ONLY
7020570200Library Audiovisual MaterialsReplacement law books, medical books, library books, periodicals, magazines and subscriptions for printed or electronic reference materials, electronic or sheet music, etcLibrary use ONLY
7060570600Library SoftwareReplacement law books, medical books, library books, periodicals, magazines and subscriptions for printed or electronic reference materials, electronic or sheet music, etcLibrary use ONLY
7200 Equipment Costing Less than $4,999.99 
7201572010Maintenance & Operation (non-Fixed Asset)Purchase of Building and/or Grounds Equip under $4,999 unit price
7212572120Office Equipment (non-Fixed Asset)Purchase of office equipment under $4,999 unit price
7240572400IT Equipment-Other (non-Fixed Asset)Purchas of various equipment & parts including wires, conductors, cables, circuit cards, boards, etcIT use ONLY
7241572410PC's (non-Fixed Asset)Purchase of a computer under $4,999 unit price
7247572470Computer ServersPurchase of a computer server under $4,999 unit priceIT use ONLY
7270572700Printing Equipment (non-Fixed Asset)Purchase of a printer or copier under $4,999 unit price
7300 Equipment Costing More than $5,000.00 
7312573120Office Equipment (Fixed Asset)Purchase of office equipment over $5,000 unit price
7338573380SoftwarePurchase of software over $5,000 unit priceIT use ONLY
7340573400IT Equipment-Other (Fixed Asset)Purchase of IT equipment & parts over $5,000 unit priceIT use ONLY
7341573410PC's (Fixed Asset)Purchase of a computer over $5,000 unit priceIT use ONLY
7347573470Computer ServersPurchase of a computer server over $5,000 unit priceIT use ONLY
9000 Monthly Recharges 
9200592000StorehousePurchase of office supplies made from the campus Storehouse
9300593000Long Distance Calls & Phone BaseLong distance phone calls made using a business Pin Code & any rental or repair of a phone or fax
9400594000Postage Postage charges for mailing items through the campus Mailroom
9500595000Photocopy & PrintingCopies made in the Copy Center & Printing done through the Crative Design
9600596000Auto Per Mile cost to using a University vehicle.  Per Mile cost includes fuel (if vehicle gas card was used) and tolls

  • Academic Affairs
  • Advancement
  • Financial
  • Governance
  • ITS
  • Operational
  • Personnel
  • School/College
  • Student Life

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