How to View Grades and Class Progress in FREDLearn

How to View Grades and Class Progress in FREDLearn

This step-by-step guide will walk students through how to locate and view their grades and class progress in FREDLearn. The “Grades” page provides a list of all grades within the course to the student, while the “Class Progress” tool is designed to help students keep track of their overall progress in the course. Students are also able to view any feedback that the instructor has left on their assignments within the Class Progress tool.

 How to View Grades Instructions

1. On the course homepage click on My Performance, located on the blue toolbar, and then select Grades.

2. At the top of the Grades page, you can view your “Final Calculated Grade”, which is your current overall grade for the course. This will be listed in both points and a grade percentage.

3. The table shown underneath your “Final Calculated Grade” provides a list of all the gradable items for the course. You will be able to see how many points an assignment is out of, the grade percentage you received, and any additional comments or assessments your instructor may have submitted for the assignment.


How do I know when my grades are available?

You can sign up to receive text or email notifications when your instructor releases or updates a grade item in FREDLearn.

  1. Once you are logged into FREDLearn, click on your name in the upper right corner, then click Notifications.

  2. If you do not yet have your “Contact Methods” set up on this page, set up your Contact Methods now before moving on to the next step. If you do not have these set up, you will not be able to receive notifications.

  3. Scroll down the page to the “Instant Notifications” section. Select if you want to receive Email or SMS (text) notifications for the option Grades - grade item released and/or Grades - grade item updated.

  4. Click Save.



How to View Class Progress Instructions

1. On the course homepage click on My Performance, located on the blue toolbar, and then select Class Progress.

2. This will take you to a “Progress Summary” of your activity within the course. Select a category heading from the left menu to jump to a summary of that section. Alternatively, you can also scroll down the page and click on the arrows to expand the summary under the category heading.

Linked below is a helpful video by Brightspace Tutorials that gives a more detailed overview of all the features within the class progress tool.

Navigate Brightspace Learning Environment - Class Progress - Learner


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