Creating Categories in the FREDLearn Gradebook

Creating Categories in the FREDLearn Gradebook

This documentation walks users through how to create categories in the FREDLearn Gradebook after exiting the Setup Wizard in the FREDLearn Gradebook.

Alternately, after exiting the Setup Wizard, you can still create categories. Choose My Performance >Grades on the course Navbar and then navigate to Manage Grades > New > Item or Category to add a grade item or category. 



  1. After you press Finish in the Setup Wizard, the screen refreshes and displays Grade Options.

    Grade Options
  2. Press Create a New Grade Category. Give it a name. Expand the Show Description drop down to add a description if you choose.

    If you are setting up a weighted gradebook, enter a Weight. The default is 10.

    New Category
  3. If you are setting up a Points based Gradebook, check Can Exceed to allow for extra-credit points within the category. For Distribution, if you want all items in the category to be worth the same amount, check the box next to Distribute points across all items. The default number of points is 10. Otherwise, leave the Distribution option unchecked.

    Grading options

4. If you are setting up a Weighted gradebook, we recommend selecting Distribute weight evenly across all items. Alternatively, you can choose Manually assign weight to items in the category if you would like some grade items to be weighted higher than others.

If you choose to distribute weight evenly across all items, decide if you would like to “drop the lowest” and indicate so by choosing the number of non-bonus items to drop.


weight distribution options for a category

5. Scroll down and press Save and New to create your next Category. Or press Save and close if you are finished creating categories.

6. After pressing Save and close, the next screen displays your categories and percentages.

7. If you need to edit one or more items, check the box(es) next to the relevant items and press Bulk Edit to make any needed adjustments to categories and weights.

Bulk edit

To delete a category from the FREDLearn Gradebook, check out Deleting a Category in the FREDLearn Gradebook


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