Taking a FREDLearn Quiz

Taking a FREDLearn Quiz


This guide will assist students in finding and completing a quiz in FREDLearn.

How to Find your Quiz

  1. On the course homepage, click on Course Activities, located on the blue toolbar at the top of the screen, and then click Quizzes

    Drop down menu for the Course Activities tab with a red arrow pointing to quizzes
  2. A table will be displayed with current and past quizzes, their due date, start date, and end date. The other two columns are Evaluation Status and Attempts.

    Table with 2 quizzes, evaluation status column, and attempts column
  1. Click on a quiz to go to a summary page of that quiz. Outlined below is the information to view before starting.

The quizzes tab is a great tool to view all of the quizzes you have taken at a glance

Need a video guide? Watch Taking a FREDLearn Quiz.

How to Take a Quiz

On the summary page you will see:

  • The current time and your username.

  • The time in which the quiz is open to be taken.

  • The time limit. The time will not start until after clicking the Start Quiz! button at the bottom of the screen.

  • The number of attempts allowed. This will show how many attempts are allowed on the quiz, and how many attempts that have been completed.

  • After the attempts read all quiz instructions. This may include what will happen when a student goes over the time limit, and other important information about how to take the quiz.

  • After reviewing all of this information, start the quiz by clicking Start Quiz! at the bottom of the screen.

Note that the timer for the quiz will not start until you have clicked the Start Quiz! button at the bottom of the screen.

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