Creating Group Discussions in FREDLearn

Creating Group Discussions in FREDLearn

This documentation walks users through how to set up a group discussion in FREDLearn

Need more help? Watch this video guide on Creating Group Discussions in FREDLearn.


  1. To create Groups in FREDLearn, follow the documentation for Creating Groups in FREDLearn.

  2. You’ll notice that you have the opportunity to create a discussion area as part of the process of creating your Groups.

  3. If you have already created Groups but have not created a discussion area, follow the steps below.

Creating a Discussion Area and connecting it to your Groups

  1. Navigate to Course Activities and select Discussions.

    arrow pointing to discussions link


2. Navigate to New and select Forum from the drop down menu.

  1. Configure your settings. Give the Forum a Title and if applicable, give it a Description.

  2. Press Save and Add Topic.

  3. The next screen brings you to the inside of the Topic to configure the Topic settings.

  4. Configure your Topic settings:

  • Title

  • Grade Out Of

  • Description

  • Start Date/End Date


  1. On the right side of the screen press the Manage Restrictions link within the Group and Section Restrictions menu.

  2. On the next screen, Select Restrict topic and separate the threads.

  3. From the Group Category or Section drop down, select your Group Category.

  4. Press Add.

  1. Now you will see that you have restricted your Topic to selected groups.

  1. When you are finished configuring your settings in your Topic, press Save and Close.


Groups can be accessed from the Course Activities menu

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