Creating an Item in the FREDLearn Gradebook

Creating an Item in the FREDLearn Gradebook

This documentation walks users through how to create a manual assignment in the FREDLearn Gradebook.

Manually graded items are those items which the instructor collects in class such as an in class quiz, exam or a paper that students submit in class.


How do I add a manually graded item in the FREDLearn Gradebook?


  1. On the Manage Grades tab, press the blue New button, and then the Item button to add a new item. 

  2. Determine what Grade Item Type you want to add. We recommend Numeric, in most cases.

  3. After selecting Numeric, the page refreshes and brings you to the screen where you can set your Grade Item name. Give your Grade Item a Name. If relevant, give it a Short Name. If you use categories in your Gradebook, select the Category where the Grade Item should go from the drop down menu, or create a New Category.

    configure settings

4. Under Grading, choose Maximum Points. If you have created a Weighted Gradebook, you can enter a number in the Weight box. The number in the Weight box reflects the weight the item contributes to the category in which the grade item resides. The default is 10. 

The Weight box will be unavailable if you have created a points based Gradebook. 

The Can Exceed option allows users’ grades to exceed the max points assigned to the item. The Bonus option should be checked if the grade item is an extra credit grade item.

grading options

5. Navigate to the Restrictions tab if you want to select when the grade item is available.


6. Set the Start and End Date for your grade item, if applicable.

Save and Close


7. Press Save and Close when finished configuring your grade Item.

8. The screen refreshes and brings you to the Manage Grades screen. Press the More Actions tab to make changes such as reordering the grade items in your Gradebook, make visible or hide a grade item, or delete a manually created category or grade item.

More Actions

Gradable activities need to be unlinked from the Gradebook first (ie: Assignment, Quiz, and Discussion). Then they can be deleted from the Manage Grades screen using More Actions.

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