Creating Groups in FREDLearn

Creating Groups in FREDLearn

How do I divide my course into groups?

Step-by-step guide

Need more help? Watch this video guide on Creating Groups in FREDLearn.

  1. Log in to FREDLearn.
  2. Access the course you would like to create groups in.
  3. Navigate to Course Tools and select Course Admin from the drop down menu.
    Course Admin

  4. Press the Groups link.

  5. Press New Category. Groups are organized into Categories.
    New Category
  6. Name the Category. You may want to name it after a particular Assignment or Group type.
  7. Include a Description. This is a good place to let students know what they need to do. Particularly if you are using a Self-enrolled group.
  8. Choose your Enrollment Type
    • # of Groups- no auto enrollment. Instructor assigns groups.
    • Groups of #. Use when you know how many users you want in each group.
    • # of Groups- Use when you know how many groups you want and you want FREDLearn to populate the groups.
    • Groups of # self enrollment.
    • # of Groups self enrollment.
    • # of Groups, capacity of # self enrollment. Selecting this option creates a specified number of groups with a specified number of enrollments per group.
    • Single user groups.
  9. If you've selected the Enrollment Type # of Groups, choose the Number of Groups. If you've selected the Enrollment Type Groups of #, you'll be prompted to enter the Number of Users.

Enrollment TypeEnrollment type

   9. Restrict Enrollments to. The default is No restrictions. We recommend leaving this set to the default unless you wish to make subgroups.

  10. Choose a Group Prefix. This is what displays before the number. To apply a distinctive prefix to each group name and code in the category, enter it in the Group Prefix field. If you do not fill in this field, the prefix defaults to "Group."

  11. Advanced Properties. You have the option to make categories and group descriptions visible to group members. This may be relevant if you are using self-enrolled groups and you enter directions for students in the description field.

  12. Additional Options. You have the option to set up discussion areas or assignments. We do not recommend using lockers as the upload limit is small. Use Google Drive instead.

Additional options

13. Press Save. You'll see a message that your groups are being created. The process may take a few minutes.

14. If you have selected to set up an Assignment, the screen will refresh and you'll be directed to set up an Assignment. 

15. If you have selected to set up a Discussion area, you'll be prompted to select the relevant Forum which you wish to hold the discussion Topics.

  • After you press Save, the screen will refresh and bring you to the Manage Groups page.
  • Next, Navigate to Course Activities > Discussions and locate the Topic. Select Edit Topic from the drop down menu to configure the settings of the Topic such as Start/Due Dates and to assign number of points,

Adding Users to Groups

  1. If you've selected the Enrollment Type # of Groups- no auto enrollment, you will need to assign the groups. Navigate to Course Admin > Groups.
  2. On the Manage Groups screen, choose the relevant Category from the drop down menu. 

Manage Groups

   3. Next, click on the relevant group to which you wish to assign members. The Group names are in blue and hyperlinked.

   4. Press the Enroll Users button.

 Enroll Users

5.  Select the users you wish to enroll in the Group and then press Save.




arrow pointing to Groups link

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