Adding an Assignment in FREDLearn

Adding an Assignment in FREDLearn

How do I add a drop box to collect digital content from my students?

Step-by-step guide

Drop boxes in FREDLearn are called Assignments. Assignments can collect any digital content from students in a course.

Adding an Assignment

  1. Navigate to the Course Activities menu, press the drop down arrow and select AssignmentsAssignments
  2. Press New Assignment. 

New Assignment

Configuring Assignment Settings

The steps below outline the sections needed to configure an assignment:

  1. Enter in the Assignment name.
  2. If you wish to include directions at the top of the assignment, add these directions to the Instructions field.
  3. If you have a file(s) that the students will need to complete the assignment, press the file upload icon to upload the file(s).As an alternative, attach a file from Google Drive.

file upload

Availability Dates & Conditions

This section controls when students can start submitting and when the assignment will close. If a due date is set, the date will be automatically added to the course calendar and will show in the Upcoming Events block.

  1. Set the “Start Date” and “Due Date” to represent the assignment timeline.
  2. If you will not accept late submissions, select “End Date” to cut-off submissions.

Grade Out Of

  1. The default type is "Ungraded". To create a graded assignment, click within the points field and enter the max points.
  2. In the maximum grade field, set the maximum grade.
  3. In the grade category field, choose the category that you want the assignment to appear in, in the Gradebook.

Special Access

  1. If applicable, set special access for the Assignment. Special Access allows activities to be available to only a select group of users or individualized due dates for certain users.
  2. Press the Manage Special Access link to set Special Access.

Submission & Completion

There are two types of submissions:

  1. For Assignment type, the default is Individual Assignment.  if you have set up Groups, you can select Group Assignment to create a group assignment.
  2. A student can attach a file called “File Submission”.
  3. A student can enter text directly into a field in FREDLearn called “Text Submission”.

    1. Enable the text submission option to allow students to submit a link to a Google Doc, or other link such as a Panopto link.
  4. The default setting for Files Allowed Per Submission is "Unlimited". 

Evaluation & Feedback 

If you will be grading the assignment, the feedback types give options on how to enter your feedback.

  1. If you would like to attach a Rubric press the Add Rubric link.  Users can Create New or Attach Existing.
  2. Annotation Tools: The default setting has enabled Make annotation tools available for assessment. This provides the user annotation tools in the grading screen.
  3. Turnitin Integration: By pressing the link for Manage Turnitin, this allows users to enable the Similarity Report within the Assignment activity.


Students can manage notification preferences in the Notifications menu. This is found underneath the user's profile image. 

Students can enable up to four notifications related to Assignments:

  1. Assignments: assignment feedback released.
  2. Assignments- assignment due date or end date is 2 days away.

  3. Assignments-assignment feedback updated.
  4. Assignments- publish all feedback completion.

Activity Completion

To have the Assignment create a checkmark on submission, change these settings to be:

  1. Be sure the "Required: Automatic" completion setting is on. This setting is indicated by a checkmark.

    arrow pointing to a checkmark

Adding an Assignment to a Module

  1. Navigate to the module in which you wish to add the Assignment. 
  2. Press the drop down arrow on Existing Activities and select AssignmentsAssignments
  3. Locate your Assignment you wish to add to the module and click on it.  

arrow pointing to an Assignment in FREDLearn

     4. The page will refresh and you will see your Assignment populated in the module.


    • By default, Assignments are hidden. Be sure to make the Assignment visible, by manually switching the dial. If an Assignment is hidden, the Start Date will not release it. Hidden


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