Guest: Logging on to FREDLearn

Guest: Logging on to FREDLearn

These instructions are for Guests and Auditors that need access to FREDLearn. These steps will walk you through accessing FREDLearn, Fredonia’s Learning Management System (LMS). FREDLearn is powered by Brightspace and part of the SUNY DLE system.


  1. Go to https://mylearning.suny.edu/

  2. Click on the Local Login link at the bottom of the page.

  1. Enter in the provided Username and Password

    1. The username is typically the email address you provided starting with FRE-

    2. If you do not know your password contact OLL@fredonia.edu

  2. Press the Log In button

  3. Choose SUNY Fredonia to access the Fredonia dashboard or go directly to one of your courses

    Dashboard screen with arrow pointing to SUNY Fredonia option or to the course access section.

Need help logging in? Contact either the Online Learning Office at OLL@fredonia.edu.

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