Conditional Releasing in FREDLearn

Conditional Releasing in FREDLearn

This documentation will cover conditional releasing in FREDLearn, and applications for conditional releases.

What is Conditional Releasing?

In FREDLearn, instructors have the ability to have content become visible to students only once a specific condition is reached. There are many applications for conditional releasing, and multiple conditional releases could be tied together. This article will discuss how to attach a release condition to an item in FREDLearn, and some basic applications of conditional releasing.

How to Attach Release Conditions

  1. Create an item that will have a release condition

    1. This can be an assignment, quiz, announcement, survey and more.

  2. Based on what type of content item that is being added, adding a conditional release may look a little different. Look for the title Release Conditions while creating the content item in order to add a release condition.

Release Condition Option
  1. Click on the Add Release Condition dropdown, then select Create New.

Add release condition dropdown
  1. A window will pop up with a dropdown menu labeled Condition Type. There are many options here, and some of the most useful ones will be discussed below.

  2. Once the proper release condition has been chosen, select Create at the bottom of the window, and the release condition will be attached to the assignment.

Again, release conditions make it so that the content item will not be visible to students unless they have completed the condition.

Condition Type: Assignments

The first condition type is related to assignments. Below are some example applications for an assignment condition type.

As for all condition types, there are many more applications for them than what’s stated here, these are just a few examples.

  • Submission to Folder - Content item will not become visible until a student submitted a specified assignment.

    • Example Use: If there is a chain of three assignments that build on each other, assignment 2 will not be visible until assignment 1 is submitted, and assignment 3 will not be visible until assignment 2 is submitted.

  • No Submission to Folder - Content item will be hidden from students once they submit a specified assignment.

    • Example Use: An announcement can be posted telling students to complete an assignment, and as soon as they do, the announcement is hidden.

  • Receive Feedback on Submission - Content item will be hidden from students until they receive feedback on a specified assignment.

    • Example Use: A quiz will not open until feedback on an assignment is given by the instructor so that the students can review the assignment and feedback before they begin the quiz.

Condition Type: Content

  • Visited Content Topic - Content item will not become visible until a student has visited a specified content topic

    • Example Use: An assignment will not become visible until a student has visited a content item that contains a video that reviews the material needed for the assignment.

  • Completed Content Topic - Content item will not become visible until a student has completed a specified content topic.

    • Example Use: A test will not become visible until a quiz has been completed.

  • Not Visited Content Topic - Content item will be visible until the student has visited the content topic.

    • Example Use: An announcement telling students to view an article posted in FREDLearn will be visible until the student has viewed the content item. Once they have, the announcement becomes hidden.

Condition Type: Grade

  • Grade Value on a Grade Item - Content item will not be visible unless the student has achieved a certain score on a specified content topic such as an assignment or quiz

    • Note that the grade value can be less than, greater than, between, or not between specified grades. In other words, the release condition will not be met until a student achieves above 80% on a quiz, or below 65%, or between 50% and 70%, for example.

    • Example Use: If a student scores below 65% on a quiz, an assignment opens up that reviews the material covered on the quiz.

  • No Grade Received - Content item will be visible until the instructor grades a content topic.

    • Example Use: An announcement letting students know their quiz will be graded is visible until the quiz gets graded by the instructor.

Condition Type: Quizzes

  • Score on a Quiz - Content item will not be visible unless the student has achieved a certain score on a specified content topic.

    • Similar to Grade Value on a Grade Item seen above.

  • Completed Quiz Attempt - Content item will not be visible until the student has completed a certain amount of attempts on a quiz

    • If a student needs to complete two rough drafts for an essay before submitting the final draft, an assignment to submit the final draft will not open until two attempts at the quiz are made.

  • Score on Selected Questions - Content item will not be visible unless the student has achieved a certain score on a set of selected questions in a quiz.

    • Note: For this to be used, a learning objective must be created. Then, when making the quiz, the selected questions must be placed under that learning objective.

    • Example Use: If a student scores below 50% on selected questions, an assignment will become visible going over the material that those questions cover.

  • No Completed Quiz Attempt - Content item will be visible until the student completes an attempt at the selected quiz.

    • Similar to No Submission to Folder seen above.

As stated earlier, Release Conditions can be used in combination in order to guide students through a learning process. They can also be used to send feedback automatically, such as an announcement, letting students know that they have completed something important.

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