Extending Test Time in FREDLearn

Extending Test Time in FREDLearn

How do I give extended testing time for an individual student, or make other date and time changes?

Add Semester-Long Special Access

If a student has extended testing time for all testing this can be added to the course once and will impact all quizzes in the course with a time limit. 

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log into the course
  2. In the top blue toolbar choose Course Tools
  3. From the Course Tools menu choose roster
  4. In the roster, click the drop-down menu next to the student's name that receives extended testing time
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the options and choose Edit Accommodations
  6. Check the box for Modify Time limit
  7. Choose to either multiply the original quiz time
    1. This should be used when students are given time-and-a-half (1.5) or double time (2)
  8. or to include Extra time
    1. This should be used if a student get a set amount of extra time on each quiz, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, etc
  9. Press Save

After this is saved you will see an icon next to the students name indicating special access has been given.

This accommodation will automatically occur for the student for every quiz. The quiz itself will not show a key icon to indicate that there is Special Access set on the quiz. However, the accommodations can be viewed within the quiz when following the directions below for Adding Special Access to an Individual Quiz.

Adding Special Access to an Individual Quiz

This process will allow you to add extended time, a different start, end, or due date, and/or extra attempts.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log in to FREDLearn
  2. Access the course containing the Quiz
  3. Navigate to Course Activities > Quizzes Quizzes
  4. On the Manage Quizzes tab, locate the Quiz in which you need to create Special Access (this includes extending time and/or changing availability). 
    Manage Quizzes 
  5. Press the drop down arrow and select Edit.

  6. Expand the Availability Dates & Conditions menu.
    Availability Dates and Conditions menu

  7. Scroll down until you see Special Access. Press the button Add Users to Special Access.  Add Users to Special Access
  8. Configure your settings including Due Date, Start Date, End Date and Timing

Special Access settings

9. Fill in the bubble for Enforced Time Limit and fill in the space for New Time Limit or Multiplier of Original Quiz Time to assign the time permitted for the quiz attempt.

Enforced Time Limit

10. Determine Attempts Allowed by selecting the number from the drop down arrow

11. Next, select the users who need Special Access by checking the box to the left of their name and then press the Apply button.


12. The screen refreshes and you'll be brought back to the Restrictions tab. Scroll down and press Save and Close.

 Save and Close


  • To give extended testing time, select Enforced Time Limit button in the Timing menu, and set the desired limit.
  • To change the date that the Quiz should be available, click Enable the Start and End Date options.

  • To give a student a second attempt, change Attempts allowed to 2.
  • If you have multiple students to make changes to, use Save after making the first set of changes and then check the box to the left of the next student's name and press Apply.
  • If a setting for a student needs to be reverted back to the default settings,  in the Special Access menu, click the pencil icon to make changes, or the "X" to delete the Special Access for that student. 

arrows pointing to the X


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