Navigating Quizzes in FREDLearn

Navigating Quizzes in FREDLearn


This guide will discuss how to navigate quizzes in FREDLearn.

Navigating Quizzes

  1. After navigating to the quiz, and reviewing the information shown on the summary page, click Start Quiz! to begin the quiz.

  2. If the quiz is timed, the timer will start now. Note that the timer will not start until after clicking Start Quiz!

    Timer with 18 minutes and 46 seconds remaining with a red arrow pointing to it
  3. On the left hand side of the quiz, there is a panel including the pages of the quiz, and the question numbers. These boxes indicate each question. Once a question is answered, the box will show a check mark. If a question is not yet answered, it will show a dotted line.

    Side panel with questions 1 through 5 in boxes. Question 1 has a checkmark and all the rest have dotted lines. Red arrows pointing to the checkmark in question 1 and the dotted line in question 2
  4. This is useful to see what questions have not yet been answered. Use this panel to navigate back to any question on the quiz.

  5. After completing the quiz, click Submit Quiz. This will bring you to a confirmation screen. If there are unanswered questions, they will be listed here.

  6. Two options will be shown, Back to Questions or Submit Quiz. Clicking Back to Questions will go back to the quiz, where questions can be reviewed. Clicking Submit Quiz will fully submit the quiz.

    Blue box labeled Submit Quiz and grey box labeled Back to Questions
  7. If the quiz is automatically set to be graded, your grade will be shown. After reviewing this information, click Done.

Need help finding your quiz? Check out this article about How to Find Your Quizzes in FREDLearn.

Need a video to follow along? Use this video to guide you through Navigating Quizzes in FREDLearn.

Check out this article on Receiving Grades and Feedback on Quizzes for information about grades and feedback in FREDLearn.

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