


This guide discusses the assignments tab in FREDLearn.

How to view assignments

  1. On the course homepage click on Course Activities, located on the blue toolbar.

  2. Select Assignments.

    Course Activities Menu with red arrow pointing to assignments

Need a video guide? Check out this video about the Assignment Tab in FREDLearn.

Assignments Table

  1. A table will be displayed with all assignments. There is also a completion status column, score column, and an evaluation status column.

    A table for an assignment with an Assignment, Completion Status, Score, and Evaluation Status columns.
  2. The Completion Status box will say Not Submitted if the assignment has not been completed. Once an assignment is completed, this box will show how many submissions submissions and files that have been posted to the assignment.

  3. The score column will show the score achieved on the assignment

  4. The Evaluation Status column will be blank until the instructor has graded the assignment.

    1. This will change to Feedback: Unread if the assignment has been graded by the instructor.

    2. Click on Unread to view feedback and grades on an assignment.

    3. Note that after viewing feedback, the Evaluation Status column will read Feedback: Read.

Viewing Individual Assignments

  1. After clicking on the assignments tab in the course activities menu, click on the name of an assignment to go to the individual assignment.

  2. Information about the assignment will be displayed, including the due date and availability of the assignment, and instructions for the assignment.

    1. If the instructor attached files to the assignment, they can be viewed and downloaded on this page.

    2. If a rubric is being used it will display in the assignment information area. Below is an example of a rubric.

      Rubric for an essay
  3. Below the instruction area will be options for submitting the assignment.

    Submit Assignment Section with 3 options, Add a file, record audio, and record video

Submitting Assignments

Submitting a file

  1. If the submission is one or more files, click the Add a File button.

  2. Then, select the option has the file you would like to submit. The directions for submitting assignments from the different options are:

    1. My Computer - Select this option if the file(s) to submit are downloaded to the current computer being used.

      1. Click on My Computer.

      2. Click on Upload.

      3. Select the file(s) from the computer that are to be submitted.

      4. Click the blue Add button at the bottom of the screen.

    2. My Locker/Group Locker - Select this option if the file(s) are in a locker in your FREDLearn account.

      1. Click on My Locker or Group Locker.

      2. Navigate to the locker where the file is stored.

      3. Select the file.

      4. Click the blue Add button at the bottom of the screen.

    3. Google Drive - Select this option if the file(s) are uploaded to your Fredonia account’s Google Drive.

      1. Click on Google Drive.

      2. Navigate through Google Drive to find the file(s) to be uploaded.

      3. Select the file.

      4. Click the blue Upload button at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Once the file(s) are added/uploaded to the assignment, click the blue Submit button at the bottom of the screen.

  4. Recording Audio/Video

    1. If the submission is an audio or video recording, click on Record Audio or Record Video

      1. Note: A permission message from the browser may pop up asking for permission to use the camera or microphone. Select Allow when this message appears.

    2. Record the submission, then select the blue Add button at the bottom of the screen

    3. Text Submission

    4. If the submission is a text submission, then there will not be options to upload an file, there will be a text box.

      Text box labeled Text Submission
  5. Type the submission in the text box, then click the blue Submit button at the bottom of the screen.

Receiving Feedback on Assignments

  1. In the assignments table shown above, click on Feedback: Unread to view grades and feedback on an assignment.

    1. If there is a rubric attached to the assignment, it will be shown here

      An example of a rubric with the criteria graded.
  2. The blue boxes with check marks indicate what score was achieved on each criteria section on the rubric. Below the rubric will be feedback on each section of criteria. The feedback is given by the instructor.

  3. Below the rubric will be the overall level that was scored on the assignment according to the rubric

    Overall Score of Level 3 out of 4

Grades on assignments can also be viewed in the Grades tab under the My Performance menu. Viewing Grades in FREDLearn is explained in detail here.

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